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Есть ли настройка в ХБ , чтоб он автоматически отключался через нужное мне время (допустим таймер на 2 часа) в режиме бгбадди. И потом включался допустим через 2 часа. 
Спасибо большое за помощь. 

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это делается в HbReloge через Task

Tasks Tab


  • To add tasks you drag them from the left list onto the right list
  • To configure a task you select it in the right list and the options for it appear below
  • To delete a task, right click it and click 'Delete' in the context menu or select it and press the 'del' key
  • Tasks are always looped. Once the bottom task is done the next will be the top task


Wait Task - Waits for a certain duration before executing any more task below it. Should always the first task at the top of the task list


  • Minutes - the number of minutes to idle
  • RandomMinutes - A random number is generated between 0 and this amount and add or subtracted to Minutes


ChangeProfile Task - Changes to another profile


  • ProfilePath - Path to the Honorbuddy/Professionbuddy profile
  • Bot - Name of the bot to use e.g. ProfessionBuddy (optional)


Idle Task - Closes WOW and idles for the specified duration


  • Minutes - the number of minutes to idle
  • RandomMinutes - A random number is generated between 0 and this amount and add or subtracted to Minutes


Logon Task - Switches to a different character on same account. All the optional values use current settings if left blank.


  • CharacterName - name of character
  • Server - The server your character that you're switching to is on. (Optional if character is on same server)
  • BotBase - Name of the bot to use e.g. Professionbuddy e.g (Optional)
  • CustomClass - Name of the CustomClass to use e.g. Singular (Optional)
  • ProfilePath - Path to the HB/PB profile that you want to use (Optional)
  • HonorbuddyPath - Path to the Honorbuddy .exe (optional)
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